Hanna Minenko y Yakov Toumarkin llevan la bandera de Israel
Enter… Israel! Hanna Minenko and Yakov Toumarkin carry the flag of Israel. #ISR#StrongerTogether | #OpeningCeremony pic.twitter.com/z7lK6LiR1w
— Olympics (@Olympics) July 23, 2021
Israel ha nombrado a Hanna Minenko y Yakov Toumarkin como abanderados del condado en las ceremonias de apertura de los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio.
Israel 🇮🇱 has named Hanna Minenko and Yakov Toumarkin as the county’s flag-bearers at the opening ceremonies of the Tokyo Olympics. pic.twitter.com/Yvyv8FQbWJ
— Sports Rabbi (@thesportsrabbi) July 4, 2021
Maru y Selam Tefari hacen historia como la primera pareja casada en representar a Israel en el #Olympics
Maru and Selam Tefari make history as the first married couple to represent Israel at the #Olympics 👫🏾
We are proud of you and we wish you lots of luck 🇮🇱 pic.twitter.com/rCtZ8dLjQU
— Inbar Cohen (@InbarCohen13) July 23, 2021