“Lucharemos, moriremos, pero volveremos a ser dueños de este país”, de los manifestantes que protestaban contra el asesinato de Mahsa Aminii, una joven iraní de veintidós años que fue asesinada por la policía en la República Islámica de Irán en Teherán, por causa de una fuerte paliza.
Iran has yearned for this glorious dance for over 40 years.
Evil is burning — Woman is rising pic.twitter.com/CjGFNESH91— Mariam Memarsadeghi (@memarsadeghi) September 20, 2022
#مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmini #Mahsa_Amini
You are alive. pic.twitter.com/XfB0FgVEbd
— FARID (@FARID48772411) September 21, 2022
🚨VIDEO: Protests continue in Iranpic.twitter.com/jpt9rAyRbT
— Breaking News (@NewsJunkieBreak) September 21, 2022
"We'll fight, We'll die but We will own this country again" protesters protesting #Mahsa_Amini 's murder by Islamuc Republic's hijab police said in Tehran, Iran, september 21. #IranProtests #Iran #مهسا_امینی pic.twitter.com/SbEW76hzwT
— مزالازین (@Mesalazine_) September 21, 2022
Iran is on fire 🔥
Mashhad, Iran, tonight#IranProtests#IranRevolutionpic.twitter.com/XKM4gAtcp2— ZiZi🏴 (@zizikhanoum) September 21, 2022
21st of Sept.
A young protester got shot by the Islamic regime security forces in Tabriz, Iran.#Mahsa_Amini#IranRevolution
— 🗽Metis🗽 (@MShakiba0) September 21, 2022
Iranian regime is massacring protesters.
A 15-year-old-boy protester was killed!
The @UN is ignoring 80 million people asking for basic human rights@YourAnonOne@elonmusk#Mahsa_Amini #مهسا_امینی pic.twitter.com/hyU1mxrRtc
— میرتازاپین (@_Mirtazapine) September 21, 2022